Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad (570–632) Founder of Islam. Important religious, political and military leader who helped to unite Arabia under Islam. Whilst in seclusion in a mountain cave, Muhammad reported receiving a series of revelations from God; these revelations form the verses of the Qu’ran, regarded by Muslims as the “Word of God” and around which the Islamic religion is based.
It was during one of these retreats that he later revealed hearing the voice of Angel Jibreel (Gabriel). Muhammad believed he was receiving the voice of God and wrote down these recitations to create the Qu’ran – the holy book of Islam.
In the beginning he attracted a relatively small number of followers, who were viewed with hostility by other Meccan tribes. In 622, Muhammad, with some of his followers, migrated to Medina. This migration is known as the Hijrah, and marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad united various tribes and with his growing political and religious strength was able to successfully fight the opposing tribes of Mecca. Eventually, Muhammad was able to lead 10,000 followers to the city of Mecca, where he was able to establish Islam within the city. During the remainder of his life, he was able to unite most of Arabia under the new religion of Islam, and also under a common political entity.
Muhammad died in 632.
The Qu’ran
From his first experiences in the cave, Muhammad reported receiving messages from God throughout his life. These messages form the Qu’ran – which to Muslims is the word of God. Muslims believe Muhammad to be the final prophet in a tradition stretching back to Moses, Abraham and Jesus.
As well as the Qu’ran, Muslims study the Sira (Muhammad’s life) and traditions of the time (Sharia law).
The essential message of the Qu’ran is that there is no God but Allah, and followers should lead their lives in submission to the will of Allah as described in the Qu’ran.
The name Muhammad means “Praiseworthy”
Citation: Pettinger, Tejvan. “Biography of Muhammad”, Oxford.
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