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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Visit to a Museum-Paragraph

After our annual examination had been over, I along with some of my classmates planned to visit any museum. Then we informed our class teacher, Mr Harun-Or-Rashid of our plan and programme. He agreed to go with us. We decided to visit Ahsan Monjil . We collected Tk-5000 from our classmates. Our school also contributed Tk. 5000 to arrange the visit to the museum. We hired a special bus from Viqarunnisa High School to Ahsan Monjil. At the appointed time all of our classmates got in the service. Our class teacher was also punctual. He took his seat. Then the driver started for Ahsan Monjil. It took only one hour for us to reach our destination. We bought 50 tickets to enter the museum. Its ground is full of green grass. There are plants and trees all around the museum. We heaved a sigh of relief and took fresh air heart fully. Its ground is also enriched with flower and foliage and we had a heavenly bliss. Afterwards we entered the museum. We saw ancient relics there. We observed pistol, rifles, arrow, bow, spear, helmet, axe, sword and so on. We also saw carpet, flower vase, paintings and many other things. But the thing that I liked most was a throne. It seemed it was covered with gold as it was glittering. I felt like touching it. After we had visited it, we came back to our respective destination safe and sound. 

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