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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Modern Technology Paragraph

Modern Technology Paragraph
Modern Technology Paragraph
Present age is the age of science and technology. Modern technology is a great blessing for present civilization. We see the use of modern technology in every sphere of our life. We can’t think of our modern life without science and technology.

Technology is being used in industry, communication, medical treatment, household activities etc. present civilization is the gift of the technology. And use of technology has made our life easy and more comfortable.
Now various things are manufactured by the use of technology. Medicine, cosmetic products, clothes are nothing but the products of modern technology. Radio, television, computer, refrigerator, dish antenna etc. are the gifts of science and technology. These things have made our life enjoyable and comfortable.

Modern technology has turned the world into a global village. With the blessings of mobile phone, internet, television, computer we can know in an instant what is happening in the farthest corner of the world.  We can communicate with anyone living at any place in the world within seconds.

Medical technology has advanced to a great extent. It is being used in diagnosing and curing very complex diseases. Sophisticated plane, rocket, ship etc. are the gifts of modern technology.
We are greatly benefited from these things in communication. We use technology in space, sea, mountain, dissert etc. for our benefit and welfare. In our daily life fans, refrigerators etc. have made our life comfortable. By the use of computer various activities are being carried out quickly and accurately.
Sophisticated mills and factories are manufacturing various things very quickly. Technology has made the impossible things possible. With the use of technology now we can find out the lost ships or planes in the deep sea or ocean.
Mobile phone and computer are certainly most wonderful invention of science. Besides communication between person to person, we can enjoy various things on these two wonderful scientific devices. In short,  technology seems to be the magical lamp of Aladin. In a word, it is the life and soul of modern civilization.

The society has been dramatically changed with the evolution of technology. Before the advent of modern day technology, life was burdensome and everyday chores consumed too much of our time. Immense opportunities are being provided by technologies which play an important role in human life. The access to education, medicine, industry, transportation etc. has been simplified due to modern day technology. Due to the convenience and efficiency provided by technology, our lives have improved significantly. There used to be a time when executing a simple task like doing laundry would take most of the day. Thanks to modern technology, a lot of burden has been lifted up from our shoulders and we have more time and energy to do what we want to.
With so many advantages and comfort, come the disadvantages too. Technology is being used imprudently these days resulting in affecting the society negatively and complicating our lives. Relationship with family members is being weakened due to excessive involvement with various devices. Although in a few cases, parents resort to technology to communicate with their children and know about their whereabouts but this is not adequate always. Technology has made access to education easier but it is also resulting in weakening the memories of people. Usage of text language often is having dire consequences on students. They fail to spell words correctly or write fully grammatically correct sentences.
Modern technology also poses serious health problems. People are sleep deprived nowadays since taking their eyes off their phone or laptop screens become a near to impossible task. This leads to problems in vision, cancer, obesity etc. We have become lazier. We prefer to sitting, playing games or listening to music instead of walking or going outdoor or performing any work which requires physical activity.
Modes of transportation has increased the ease of access but has also increased the amount of pollution. Due to technology, a broad range of options have become accessible to people. Technology has also benefitted people with special needs by providing them with hearing aids, text readers, special chairs etc. Now they too can enjoy daily life without having to think about their disabilities.
As a conclusion, there are several positive impacts of technology on our lives but there are several downsides too. We cannot abandon technology now but we can ensure not to let it control us.


Modern invention have speed up peoples lives amazingly. Motor cars cover s 100 miles in Just few time. All this saves time but at a price. Mobile phones also have their dangers, according to scientists too much use of mobile phones may transmit harmful radiation into our brains. Our behavior, also felt the impact of modern technology. People seem to be in a rush, and increasingly impatient. The obsession in saving time results in many people trying to imitate computers in an effort to handle tasks simultaneously- multitasking as it is called.
Technology has also made work in factories far less tedious. Motor cars have been blamed for its polluting effects and its demands for more and more roads, but it has banished the time consuming and uncomfortable Journeys endured in horse-drawn vehicles. Despite the hold that speed has on our lives ,its attractions are beginning to dwindle. Possibly the world’s long fascination with speed is finally ending. However, using new technologies could also have negative effects.
Many people use electronic devices too intensive and they become addicted. Moreover, we consume a lot of energy by using and developing new technologies. This may cause a disruption in the atmosphere ND climate changes. Besides, not the all products of new technologies are made for simplification humans lives. Atomic bombs, guns, radiation etc – all this stuff was made with one purpose: to kill humans. So, new technologies aren’t always harmless for society.
To sum up, I’d like to say that despite the fact, new technologies have lots of benefits, we must use them very carefully. Nowadays people worry about effect of new technologies on our society, they suppose that the influence of the latest developments is harmful for their lives. However, there are many people who see the advantages of technology. First of all, the products of new technologies like electronic devices are very useful in daily life. People can save a lot of time by using computers, mobile phones etc.
This is especially beneficial in the workplace where employees can handle their work faster than they could in the past by using computers and the Internet. Also, new technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet have revolutionized the way of communication and finding information. The new way of communication requires less number of spent time and money. As a result, the economy benefits. Skilled Educators create rich learning environments where students are introduced to new ideas, develop new skills, and expand their perspectives.
The informed use of technology can engage students in new experiences and create a community of learners across geographical boundaries. The CUB Master of Educational Technology (MET) is a fully online graduate-level program offered by a world-renowned university, that has attracted students from over 35 countries. In addition to the master’s degree, there are two specialized graduate certificates offered both of which will ladder into the degree program. Modern machinery has feed people from that primitive existence. Modern technology By Elena-Shaggy

Modern technology has changed civilization in many different ways. Humans have almost always been on a path of progression, but thanks to technology, the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen a number of advancements that revolutionized the way people work, live and play. Imagining what life would be like without some of these advancements has become a difficult task due to their importance and our reliance on them.


One of the areas where modern technology is most important is in the realm of communication. Long ago, communicating with people outside your immediate location was a difficult process, requiring communication by physical letter and a lot of patience. The Internet has made long distances almost transparent, allowing users to correspond with people on the other side of the planet in an instant. Technology has also increased our connectivity, with cell phones and other devices providing an always-on link to the global communication network.


Another area where computers and the Internet have become extremely important is in education. Computers can store large amounts of data in a very small space, reducing entire shelves of reference books down to a single CD of data. The Internet also serves as a massive resource for learning, linking informational sites together and allowing the curious to search for almost any topic imaginable. A single computer could store hundreds of educational games, audio and visual lessons as well as provide access to a wealth of knowledge for students. In the classroom, virtual whiteboards can replace blackboards, allowing teachers to provide interactive content for students and play educational films without the need to set up a projector.


Technology has also had significant effects on the health care industry. Advancements in diagnostic tool sallow doctors to identify diseases and conditions early, increasing the chances of a successful treatment and saving lives. Advancements in medicines and vaccines have also proven extremely effective, nearly eradicating diseases like measles, diphtheria and smallpox that once caused massive epidemics. Modern medicine also allows patients to manage chronic conditions that were once debilitating and life-threatening, such as diabetes and hypertension. Technological advancements in medicine have also helped extend lifespans and improve quality of life for people worldwide.


Technology has also vastly increased productivity. The ability of computers to solve complex mathematical equations allows them to speed up any task requiring measurement or other calculations. Computer modeling of physical effects can save time and money in any manufacturing situation, giving engineers the ability to simulate structures, vehicles or materials to provide primary data on performance before prototyping. Even in the office environment, the ability of networked computers to share and manipulate data can speed a wide variety of tasks, allowing employees to work together efficiently for maximum productivity.

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