“মানহানি: defamation, reproach, abasement, abjection, ignominy
ঠিক করা: fix, correct, repair, set to rights
মানানসই: seemly, appropriate, suitable, fit, apt
মালিকানা: ownership, proprietary, property, propriety, dominion
অভ্রান্ত : accurate, unmistakable, unequivocal, unerring
উপস্থিতি: appearance, advent, incarnation, apparition, break, emergence
সমর্থক: second, backer, advocate, upholder, prop, protagonist
আক্রমণ করা: attack, invade, offend, affect, assault, fall on, throw oneself
গুণকীর্তন করা: extol, praise, laud, glorify, emblazon, celebrate
রাজত্ব: reign, kingdom, realm, dominion
ক্ষান্তি দেওয়া: close down, cease, discontinue, halt, abandon
অসঙ্গত: inappropriate, inconsistent, incompatible, contrary, unreasonable, incoherent
কৌতূহলশূন্য: incurious, indifferent, disinterested, listless, passive, impersonal
অধম: lowly, vile, hateful, abominable, worthless, despicable
সঙ্কুচিত করা: cut down, shrink, curtail, contract, press
আকর্ষণ করা: attract, fascinate, allure, commend, draw
বিপরীত: opposite, converse, contrary, inverse, opposed, conflicting
অনির্দিষ্ট: indefinite, loose, blear, bleary, indistinct, undefined
প্রচলিত: conventional, common, current, usual, accepted, accustomed
নিন্দা: blame, reproach, condemnation, reprehension, reproof, imputation
স্থগিত রাখা: cease, adjourn, leave over, break, defer, delay
উপদেশমূলক: instructional, didactic, imperative
মজবুত: strong, durable, firm, hard, lasting, perdurable
মজবুত: strong, durable, firm, hard, lasting, perdurable
“স্থায়ী: stable, adjusted, permanent, standing, fixed, durable
স্থিতিশীল: stable, static, lasting, durable, permanent
জোরালো: robust, bold, cogent
অনিবার্য : inevitable, unavoidable, irresistible, unpreventable, ineluctable, cogent
অকাট্য : irrefutable, indisputable, unanswerable, conclusive, incontrovertible, cogent
শীর্ষ: acme, highest, supreme, maximum, best, top, maximal
শান্ত করা: becalm, calm down, ease, appease, soothe
চঞ্চল: restless, unsteady, alert
প্রকাশ করা: reveal, publish, express, disclose, enunciate
প্রতিহত করা: resist, defend, check, avert, put by, put back
সন্নিহিত : adjacent, neighboring, neighbor, surrounding, adjoining, neighbouring
উপস্থিত বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন: quick, ready-witted, quick-witted, percipient
প্রতিরোধ করা: withstand, resist, neutralize, withhold, oppose, fend
রক্ষা করা: protect, defend, maintain, save, shield
তদন্ত করা: investigate, look into, go into, search, research, examine
বাধা দেওয়া: check, stay, encounter, tell against, oppose, resist
মান্য করা: obey, observe, honour, respect, abide by, conform to
উদ্বেগ: concern, worry, anxiety
নির্ভীকতা: fearlessness, bravery, valour, intrepidity
কল্পিত: imaginary, fictitious, fictional, fictive, imaginative
অবহেলা: neglect, negligence, inattention, inadvertence
লক্ষ্য করা: notice, note, remark, take notice, observe, mark
যথাযথ : appropriate, proper, strict, precise, exact, accurate
যথাযথ : appropriate, proper, strict, precise, exact, accurate
উদ্দেশ্য: motive, purpose, objective, goal, intention, aim
সতর্ক: alert, wary, aware, discreet, watchful, cagey
সহায়ক: helpful, subsidiary, conducive, instrumental
শোধন করা: purify, clarify, sanctify, furbish, defecate, correct
টেকা: survive, endure, stay, last
প্রফুল্ল: cheerful, youthful, bright, upbeat, blooming
অখ্যাতি: disrepute, notoriety, disgrace, discredit, infamy
সম্মান করা: respect, esteem, revere, idolize, honour
মহৎ: magnificent, generous, great, mighty, lofty, illustrious
ব্যাকুলতা: anxiety, impatience, fervency, perturbation
সন্দেহ: doubt, suspicion, hesitation, impeachment
শীঘ্র: early, quickly, before long, shortly, promptly, in short order
জেরা করা: try, cross-examine, examine, question, interrogate
আদেশ: command, order, commandment, mandate, instruction
উচ্চারণ করা: pronounce, speak, enunciate, say, utter
গবেষণা করা: research, explore, inquire into, experiment, examine
সঠিক : proper, accurate, exact, mathematical, very
ভিন্ন: different, isolated, partitioned, diverse
অভিলাষ: wish, will, intention, option, desire
সান্ত্বনা দেওয়া: becalm, soothe, console, pacify, quiet, assuage
পুনরূদ্ধার করা: regain, repair, restore, recuperate, recover, get back
মানা: admit, heed, observe, believe in, agree, honour
জুতসই: just, fit, perfect, appropriate, apt, suitable
মামুলি: stale, trivial, conventional, traditional, corny, trite, banal
ঘোষণা করা: set forth, announce, speak, set out, show forth, enunciate
উজ্জ্বল করা: light up, brighten, illuminate, clarify, illumine, gladden
বিরোধিতা করা: oppose, withstand, encounter, antagonize, resist
বিরোধিতা করা: oppose, withstand, encounter, antagonize, resist
অকর্ষিত: unploughed, wild, fallow, uncultivated, desert
টক : sour, acrid, tart, vinegary, acetous, musty
বিবৃত করা: : enunciate, state, narrate
অমনোযোগ: carelessness, indifference, inattention, inadvertence, neglect
মীমাংসা করা: settle, agree, solve, decide, make up
মানিয়া চলা: follow, acknowledge, accept, abide by, obey, observe
পার্শ্ববর্তী : surrounding, neighboring, adjacent, neighbor, neighbouring, neighbour
অনর্থক: useless, unreasonable, meaningless, bootless, senseless, aimless
চটপটে ভাবে: quickly, promptly, swiftly, sharply
ভর্ত্সনা করা: blaspheme, chide, reprove, censure
ভূপাতিত করা: fell, overthrow, knock down, lay low, skittle
উদাসীন: apathetic, aloof, alienate, ataractic, ataraxic, blank
অন্যায্য: unjust, unfair, unwarranted, wrongful, unreasonable, improper
শ্রদ্ধা করা: admire, respect, venerate, honour, esteem
গণ্য করা: reckon with, look on, count, look up, esteem
ঝাল : biting, acrid, pungent, hot, peppery
চটপটে: agile, clever, alert, nifty, nimble, prompt
দ্রুত: fast, quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly
অনুপম: unique, matchless, sole, singular, supreme
পার্শ্ববর্তী: surrounding, neighboring, adjacent, neighbor, neighbouring, neighbour
সংযুক্ত করা: link, piece together, apply, adjoin, conjoin, combine
সন্নিহিত হত্তয়া: neighbor, adjoin, border on, neighbour
অতুলনীয় : classic, nonpareil, unmatchable, unprecedented
পরিদর্শন করা: inspect, review, go over, overlook, examine
ফূর্তিবাজ: blithesome, exhilarated, merry, gladdening, perky
জরুরী: urgent, imperious, exigent, imperative, indispensable
সর্বোতকৃষ্ট: best, sublime, eminent, supreme, paramount
প্রকাশ করা: reveal, publish, express, disclose, enunciate
প্রতিহত করা: resist, defend, check, avert, put by, put back
সন্নিহিত : adjacent, neighboring, neighbor, surrounding, adjoining, neighbouring
অবলম্বন করা: resort, fall back on, fall back upon, apply, use
লক্ষ্য: destination, goal, objective, target, object, aim
উপস্থিত বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন: quick, ready-witted, quick-witted, percipient
প্রতিরোধ করা: withstand, resist, neutralize, withhold, oppose, fend
রক্ষা করা: protect, defend, maintain, save, shield
তাগ: aim, target, level, guess, ambush, ambuscade
সঞ্চয় করা: save, collect, credit the account, accumulate, amass, bank, deposit
ভিন্ন: different, isolated, partitioned, diverse
অভিলাষ: wish, will, intention, option, desire
উপস্থিতি: appearance, advent, incarnation, apparition, break, emergence
সমর্থক: second, backer, advocate, upholder, prop, protagonist
আক্রমণ করা: attack, invade, offend, affect, assault, fall on, throw oneself
উচ্চারণ করা: pronounce, speak, enunciate, say, utter
গবেষণা করা: research, explore, inquire into, experiment, examine
সঠিক : proper, accurate, exact, mathematical, very
সংলগ্ন করা: adjoin, bind, fasten, fix, put together
সুবিধাজনক: convenient, handy, advantageous, commodious, serviceable, opportune
সহায়ক: helpful, subsidiary, conducive, instrumental
শোধন করা: purify, clarify, sanctify, furbish, defecate, correct
টেকা: survive, endure, stay, last
টেকা: survive, endure, stay, last
তারিফ করা: appreciate, admire, speak highly of, praise
জুতসই: advantageous, suitable, fitting, opportune
অমায়িক: agreeable, accommodating, frank, amicable
থামা: stop, cease, pull up, halt, come to a stop
সঠিকতা : accuracy, appropriateness, exactness, exactitude, validity
লাভজনক: profitable, economical, beneficial, lucrative, advantageous, available
ধারণ করা: contain, hold, catch, wear, include
কমান: minimize, shorten, reduce, cut down, pull in, diminish
উদাহরণ দেওয়া: give an instance, cite, exemplify, quote a precedent
অপব্যয়ী: : wasteful, thriftless, expensive, prodigal, extravagant
রাজ্য: state, kingdom, territory, realm, dominion
অবহিত: informed, careful, watchful, attentive, alert
সংক্ষেপ করা: summarize, shorten, abridge, abbreviate, reduce, condense
বিশদ করা: bring out, clarify, refine, elucidate, illustrate, elaborate
বিলম্বিত করান: slow, put back, delay, suspend, hold, protract
ক্রূর: crooked, merciless, unkind, malicious
মনোযোগ দেওয়া: note, notice, look after, follow, attend, observe
আমুদে: blithesome, gladdening, merry, perky
স্থায়ী হওয়া: hold out, continue, last, endure, live
পতিত: fallow, fallen, declined, outcast, defeated, desert
নিখুঁত: fine, accurate, finished, indefectible, faultless, irreproachable
সজাগ: alert, aware, attentive, observant, unwinking
তিরস্কার করা: reprehend, reproach, admonish, upbraid
পর্যবেক্ষণ করা: watch, observe, overlook, view, espy, twig
অবেক্ষণ করা: inspect, view, observe, investigate, supervise
প্রতিপালন করা: fulfill, foster, feed, rear, bring up, observe
উপযুক্ত: appropriate, applicable, adequate, apposite, correct, due
তদন্ত করা: investigate, look into, go into, search, research, examine
বাধা দেওয়া: check, stay, encounter, tell against, oppose, resist
মান্য করা: obey, observe, honour, respect, abide by, conform to
সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ: grand, superlative, supreme, dignified, preeminent
যথাযথতা : accuracy, truth, exactness, exactitude, precision, propriety
ক্ষমা: forgiveness, pardon, excuse, forbearance, grace
সহ্য করা: bear, endure, tolerate, undergo
অবিবেচক: indiscreet, inconsiderate, injudicious, impolitic, gauche
বাধ্যতামূলক: obligatory, compulsory, obligate, obliging, imperative
মেরামত করা : repair, darn, refit, doctor, mend, amend
অপূর্ব: unusual, uncommon, unexampled,wonderful, unprecedented
স্তুতি করা: hymn, glorify, eulogize, praise, flatter
পালন করা: observe, practice, bring up, rear
শেষ হওয়া: conclude, run out, go out, end, be over, cease
একত্রিত করা: agglomerate, agglomeration, amass, congregate, unify, gather
তত্ত্বাবধান করা: take care, take care of, oversee, tend, overlook, look after
মার্জনা: forgiving, pardon, polishing, scouring
শীর্ষ: acme, highest, supreme, maximum, best, top, maximal
শান্ত করা: becalm, calm down, ease, appease, soothe
চঞ্চল: restless, unsteady, unsteadfast, changeful, unresting, alert
অসঙ্গত: inappropriate, inconsistent, incompatible, contrary, unreasonable, incoherent
কৌতূহলশূন্য: incurious, indifferent, disinterested, listless, passive, impersonal
কুচুটে: jealous, intriguing, crooked, malicious, spiteful
উড়ন চণ্ডে: wasteful, extravagant, squandering, profligate, prodigal
সামাজিক: social, neighborly, conventional, communal, convivial, associative
ঝিমান: drowse, snooze, doze, slacken, abate, flag
ভঙ্গি: posture, pose, attitude, fashion, style, shape
ক্ষিপ্রবেগে: swiftly, quickly, fast, rapidly
আনন্দিত: exulted, adorned, congratulated, delighted
সস্তা : cheap, inexpensive, threepenny, accessible, common
উপেক্ষা: disregard, neglect, contempt, inattention, connivance
ক্ষতিপূরণ করা: make good, pay, restore, offset, repair
অব্যবহিত: immediate, adjoining, contiguous, adjacent, direct, proximate adjacent
কার্যকর: active, advantageous,efficient, practicable, effective
উপরোক্ত: aforementioned, aforecited, aforesaid, aforenamed
নিস্তেজ হত্তয়া: mope, languish, flag, quail
নিরীহ: innocent, indifferent, callous, inoffensive, disinterested
শীঘ্র: early, quickly, before long, shortly, promptly, in short order
জেরা করা: try, cross-examine, examine, question, interrogate
আদেশ: command, order, commandment, mandate, instruction
সান্ত্বনা দেওয়া: becalm, soothe, console, pacify, quiet, assuage
পুনরূদ্ধার করা: regain, repair, restore, recuperate, recover, get back
মানা: admit, heed, observe, believe in, agree, honour
জুতসই: just, fit, perfect, appropriate, apt, suitable
মামুলি: stale, trivial, conventional, traditional, corny, trite, banal
ঘোষণা করা: set forth, announce, speak, set out, show forth, enunciate
উজ্জ্বল করা: light up, brighten, illuminate, clarify, illumine, gladden
বিরোধিতা করা: oppose, withstand, encounter, antagonize, resist
অকর্ষিত: unploughed, wild, fallow, uncultivated, desert
টক : sour, acrid, tart, vinegary, acetous, musty
বিবৃত করা: : enunciate, state, narrate
অমনোযোগ: carelessness, indifference, inattention, inadvertence, neglect
মীমাংসা করা: settle, agree, solve, decide, make up
মানিয়া চলা: follow, acknowledge, accept, abide by, obey, observe
পার্শ্ববর্তী : surrounding, neighboring, adjacent, neighbor, neighbouring, neighbour
অনর্থক: useless, unreasonable, meaningless, bootless, senseless, aimless
চটপটে ভাবে: quickly, promptly, swiftly, sharply
ভর্ত্সনা করা: blaspheme, chide, reprove, censure
ভূপাতিত করা: fell, overthrow, knock down, lay low, skittle
উদাসীন: apathetic, aloof, alienate, ataractic, ataraxic, blank
অন্যায্য: unjust, unfair, unwarranted, wrongful, unreasonable, improper
শ্রদ্ধা করা: admire, respect, venerate, honour, esteem
গণ্য করা: reckon with, look on, count, look up, esteem
ঝাল : biting, acrid, pungent, hot, peppery
চটপটে: agile, clever, alert, nifty, nimble, prompt
মানহানি: defamation, reproach, abasement, abjection, ignominy
ঠিক করা: fix, correct, repair, set to rights
মানানসই: seemly, appropriate, suitable, fit, apt
মালিকানা: ownership, proprietary, property, propriety, dominion
অভ্রান্ত : accurate, unmistakable, unequivocal, unerring
অনুসন্ধান করা: query, look for, research, watch, pick, examine
অমিতব্যয়ী: prodigal, profuse, thriftless, extravagant, uneconomical, wanton
প্রতিবাদ করা: protest, clamor against, gainsay, object, differ
দর্শন করা: notice, experience, see, view, observe, behold
জড়ো করা: collect, gather, purchase, crowd, earn, amass
অবহেলা: neglect, negligence, inattention, inadvertence
লক্ষ্য করা: notice, note, remark, take notice, observe, mark
যথাযথ : appropriate, proper, strict, precise, exact, accurate
উদ্দেশ্য: motive, purpose, objective, goal, intention, aim
সতর্ক: alert, wary, aware, discreet, watchful, cagey
প্রফুল্ল: cheerful, youthful, bright, upbeat, blooming
অখ্যাতি: disrepute, notoriety, disgrace, discredit, infamy
সম্মান করা: respect, esteem, revere, idolize, honour
কর্তৃত্ব: authority, domination, dominance, hegemony, mastery, dominion
নির্ভুল : perfect, accurate, correct, right, mathematic, mathematical
ব্যাহত করা: prevent, defeat, frustrate, shackle, thwart, delay
নিপাতিত করা: throw down, overthrow, destroy, kill
পাহারা দেওয়া: watch, picket, fence, sentinel, guard, observe
সঙ্কল্প: will, vow, gut, resolve, determination
অনুভূতি: feeling, sense, sentiment, intuition, affect, emotion
অসঙ্গত: inappropriate, inconsistent, incompatible, contrary, unreasonable, incoherent
কৌতূহলশূন্য: incurious, indifferent, disinterested, listless, passive, impersonal
কুচুটে: jealous, intriguing, crooked, malicious, spiteful
উড়ন চণ্ডে: wasteful, extravagant, squandering, profligate, prodigal
সামাজিক: social, neighborly, conventional, communal, convivial, associative
ঝিমান: drowse, snooze, doze, slacken, abate, flag
ভঙ্গি: posture, pose, attitude, fashion, style, shape
ক্ষিপ্রবেগে: swiftly, quickly, fast, rapidly
আনন্দিত: exulted, adorned, congratulated, delighted
সস্তা : cheap, inexpensive, threepenny, accessible, common
উপেক্ষা: disregard, neglect, contempt, inattention, connivance
ক্ষতিপূরণ করা: make good, pay, restore, offset, repair
অব্যবহিত: immediate, adjoining, contiguous, adjacent, direct, proximate adjacent
কার্যকর: active, advantageous,efficient, practicable, effective
উপরোক্ত: aforementioned, aforecited, aforesaid, aforenamed
নিস্তেজ হত্তয়া: mope, languish, flag, quail
নিরীহ: innocent, indifferent, callous, inoffensive, disinterested
শীঘ্র: early, quickly, before long, shortly, promptly, in short order
জেরা করা: try, cross-examine, examine, question, interrogate
আদেশ: command, order, commandment, mandate, instruction
সান্ত্বনা দেওয়া: becalm, soothe, console, pacify, quiet, assuage
পুনরূদ্ধার করা: regain, repair, restore, recuperate, recover, get back
মানা: admit, heed, observe, believe in, agree, honour
জুতসই: just, fit, perfect, appropriate, apt, suitable
মামুলি: stale, trivial, conventional, traditional, corny, trite, banal
ঘোষণা করা: set forth, announce, speak, set out, show forth, enunciate
উজ্জ্বল করা: light up, brighten, illuminate, clarify, illumine, gladden
বিরোধিতা করা: oppose, withstand, encounter, antagonize, resist
অকর্ষিত: unploughed, wild, fallow, uncultivated, desert
টক : sour, acrid, tart, vinegary, acetous, musty
বিবৃত করা: : enunciate, state, narrate
অমনোযোগ: carelessness, indifference, inattention, inadvertence, neglect
মীমাংসা করা: settle, agree, solve, decide, make up
মীমাংসা করা: settle, agree, solve, decide, make up
মানিয়া চলা: follow, acknowledge, accept, abide by, obey, observe
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